Cost management platform development

A cost management system for equipment in the construction industry

cost management platform setup page

Business сhallenge

The Client referred to us with specific business goals and expectations. As top developers, we were expected to:

  1. check that the business idea is feasible from a technical perspective;
  2. build a complex system that calculates charge rates of construction equipment; 
  3. implement a core charge rates calculator algorithm that must encompass all equipment costs during the exploitation;
  4. add a variety of visualizations and analytics to display vast amounts of information;
  5. be fully transparent: provide weekly work progress reports and monthly budget forecasts, and stick to the strict delivery schedule;
  6. be able to work within quickly evolving and changing requirements. Ability to track changes and keep up with requirements updates;
  7. achieve and maintain top development speed, present the Pilot version to potential Clients and investors on time;
  8. reach desired technical metrics regarding performance, security, and scalability.

Our solution

Client got a full-fledged platform with complex logic of real-time calculations and visualizations. The solution proves that the business idea is viable and helps the Client to move forward with the next investor rounds and further concept evolution.

cost management platform parameters setup page
cost management platform parameters setup page
  • We developed a full-fledged web platform with all major functionality implemented. The MVP is ready for presentation to users and investors. 
  • We managed to programm algorithm that calculates the equiments charge rates. The algorythm encompasses custody and operating costs. Thanks to that, we proved that the business idea was viable. 
  • Comprehensive construction equipment management interfaces. Cost breakdown structure, construction equipment list with its properties, standard and unique properties for every type of equipment.
cost management machinery properties page
  • Scalable architecture that can store and calculate a large number of machine equipment. 
  • Rich real-time visualization thanks to React framework and the Highcharts visualization library. If any changes are applied, the platform displays them on-the-fly. 
  • We applied management and Business Analysis approaches to handle changing and evolving requirements. The scope changed weekly, so the development process was based on a constant Design Thinking Process. The Client expanded, altered, and splited the requirements for the majority of features. We, in turn, had to adopt our plans and time estimation. As a result, classical fixed sprint planning turned out to be ineffective. Kanban was selected as the only possible method of work. 
  • Forecast employment for the rent period


cost management rent calculation page

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    Vlad Fedortsov
    Sales Department Lead
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