How to Hire the Best Offshore Developers

A women is watching at the screen and waving her handA women is watching at the screen and waving her hand

Offshore hiring is a common practice. 

For instance, many IT giants, notably Google, Apple, and Microsoft, have their R&D centers in Bangalore, famously known as “Silicon Valley” of Asia continent. Owing to the lower operational expenses, a large talent pool, technological proficiency, and the capacity to scale quickly, such companies rely on IT project outsourcing often.

It is software development companies that provide offshore software development services. While browsing this topic, you can also face such a term as IT staff augmentation, which is generally very close to offshore development. 

In this article, we would like to present you 9 tips on how to hire offshore development companies as well as cover some challenges you might face and tell you how to handle them.

Why Select Offshore Developers for Enterprises

When businesses are bogged down with developmental projects, training a new internal developer from scratch could be difficult.

Everyone has started building their system with websites and mobile apps to survive in the digital marketplace. To stay on schedule, the in-house team must work endlessly, which negatively influences their mental well-being and makes it hard to balance work and life. Also, the bitter truth is that 70% of developers switch jobs once every two years, making the companies lose their valuable clients.

Here where the offshore developers come into play: they help to get the necessary talent pool without significant costs and risks associated with hiring in-house workers.

Why Select Offshore Developers for Startup Business

Three cartoon people are working at the table. The picture labeled "Why should you hire offshore developers for your start-up"

More than others, a startup business must prefer the team of offshore developers over in-house developers for the following reasons.

Costeffective for new business: Startups experience numerous failures throughout the earliest stages of development before making a satisfying profit. The business owner will get into real difficulties if they hire staff, pay their bills, and take care of other business requirements. Employing our offshore developers is wise to keep your company from shutting down. 

You have the choice to avoid floor rent, team lunch, payroll, employee insurance, paid holidays, and other costs. Instead, you will compensate developers for the work they complete daily. Additionally, experts who collaborate with your business help you complete the duties for a reasonable cost. 

High Productivity: Completing the business development works on time helps the company increase productivity and saves more time. When you have more time, you can spend your valuable free time on other marketing activities to promote your business.

Because of this, startups should favor hiring offshore developers for their organizations. The greatest thing about employing an offshore development team is that you don’t need to hire a trainer to help your in-house team get up to speed. 

Throughout the business development process, you don’t need to worry about incentives, raises, or other things. You can therefore earn more money and wrap everything up before the deadline.

Meet the Pool of Talents: Developers, a quality assurance team, marketing, sales, and CSR personnel make up an internal team. However, if you work with a professional organization, you can acquire the ideal group of skills for your company by employing offshore developers.

Additionally, businesses only engage experts who have the necessary expertise in your field. Hiring experienced candidates will help you save twice as much throughout the changeover as hiring first-year students.

Hiring Offshore Developers: Where to Start

Cartoon people are working on the laptops

A checklist should be kept in hand before going on the hunt to find your developers for the startup business. 

Define business goals first: Before giving the project to an offshore development team, the project manager must know the demands. Discuss the challenges with the internal team, make a list, and then contact the offshore developers. If you provide them with the entire organization’s objective, they administer the key milestones, dates, and other requirements.

Check the Skill Set: Evaluate internally and allocate modest tasks to the internal team before engaging an offshore development company. Know your team members as a project manager to properly assign tasks. Seek the offshore team to complete your work if you are short on resources or can’t find someone with the necessary skill set.

Hire based on the needs: A company might not always require a sizable workforce to finish the development initiatives. Find the resources you need to complete the work in such situations. Hire the developers solely and make careful selections if you don’t require the project managers, automation test engineers, or quality analysts.

Plan based on the budget: If you have decided to hire the offshore developers for the project, allocate a Budget and speak with the team.

Compare the Quality & Price: One has to pay more to get the best quality when one hires developers from countries like the United States. 

The greatest plans are available at reasonable prices in countries like India, Sri Lanka, & Eastern European nations. So, make a decision based on your preferences, comfort level, and financial constraints.

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      Ways to Find the Reputed Offshore Developer

      a cartoon man is working on laptop near the huge magnifying glass

      As a startup company, you may not know the tricks to find the correct offshore developers for the business through reliable resources, but you can easily find your team of developers.

      Ask your friends to Refer a Company: The quickest way to find out more about the top offshore development team is to connect with your friends. If you’re a startup, you can’t risk using the Internet to search; instead, ask your friends for recommendations, so you have a list to choose from.

      Participate in Conferences: Generally, at least once every three months, there are numerous global conferences where businesses participate directly to market their services. You might take part in such occasions to personally network with the topnotch offshore development teams & exchange business cards for a new project.

      Hire from Freelance portals: Freelance portals are for people who desire to earn more through side gigs & also gain experience from it. Portals like Freelancer, Fiverr, and Upwork are prominent examples where you source desired projects and hire expert talents. You can discuss the terms before assigning the task.

      Use social media: We mostly promote our business via our website and social media, so you can also consider using social media to get an excellent team.

      Read reviews from Online forums: With the help of certain online platforms like Clutch or Good firms, you can find high quality offshore developers’ firms that just meet your requirements. Here you can read authentic reviews, see ratings for top service companies, or even share your feedback.

      Google it: Often, if you don’t know where to start searching for offshore developers, you can just google your requirements and browse through the web to find the best offshore developers who match your demands.

      Challenges Faced after Hiring Offshore Developers

      Two cartoon-like men are looking at the huge screen in front of them and communicating through it

      Outsourcing offshore developers are undoubtedly the best way to improve the productivity of Startups, but the businesses still face many challenges after hiring.

      Time Zone Issues:

      Late replies are a major issue most businesses face after hiring offshore developers for their projects. It’s critical to have a plan in place so that you can interact with your freelancers at times that are comfortable for both of you & that you know what time it is in their nation so that there are no ambiguities about job deadlines or other time-sensitive issues.

      Similarly, time zones vary from country to country. Try to hire a team where 24*7 support assistance is available so that you can discuss relating to your project anytime. 

      No Direct Communication:

      “Offshore” refers to “services available in another country,” so it is obvious that you cannot contact them until you are at their location. But because of technological advancement, this particular problem has disappeared.

      To host the project meeting on the go, organizations have begun using Microsoft Teams, Google Duo, Hangouts Group Call, Skype Video Calling, and many other safe platforms.

      To keep the business deal transparent, always join a video call and record every conversation. Avoid trying to converse over the phone because you won’t be able to articulate yourself fully, and you won’t know how well your outsourced staff will execute your project. 

      Too Many Outsourcing Teams:

      With so many resources available, it’s simple to become perplexed. Choosing one offshore development team from among the many currently available in the offshore industry is never easy. It is trusting the developers you choose is the most important thing to keep in mind.

      Before you begin outsourcing, if you have any questions regarding the services, ask them to give you a call so you can go over everything. It’s best to decide whether you want to continue using their service or not because doing so will save both you and the offshore development team time and effort.

      Cultural and Communication Challenges:

      Despite advances in technology facilitating communication, cultural and language barriers can still pose significant challenges. Variations in language proficiency can lead to misunderstandings, potentially jeopardizing project execution. Furthermore, cultural disparities in work ethics and business practices might result in unforeseen conflicts.

      To navigate these, businesses should establish clear communication protocols, utilize comprehensive project documentation, and develop an understanding of the offshore team’s work culture. This way, potential issues can be preemptively addressed, ensuring smoother project delivery.

      9 Tips on How to Hire Offshore Developers for a Startup

      Maintain a checklist for the internal team to work on the project. Prepare a checklist to work with the offshore developers to get good results & hassle-free communication.

      Tip #1 – Create the Project Description 

      Many businesses fail to provide appropriate job descriptions & thus attribute the project’s failure to the offshore development team. Our offshore development unit demands that our clients submit a project description before providing an estimated quote for a business agreement. If you want to know if the outsourcing firm has developers with relevant skills, you can compose a full description and give it to them.

      Tip #2 – Trace the Track Records 

      In addition to the search engine results, testimonials can be used to determine the quality of the service. The public forums and social media are used to operate all enterprises. Look up reviews of the offshore development team you want to use in the future for business development projects to see what other clients have to say about them.

      Tip #3 – Speak with Previous Clients 

      You can view information about prior clients and communicate with them if you access your LinkedIn and social media profiles. Drop them a request and try to speak with them to learn more. If you’re not technically inclined, contact a professional to assist you in choosing the best offshore development team for your company.

      Tip #4 – Check the Business Transparency

      These days, many offshore development organizations encrypt their codes and decline to disclose them to clients. If you hire such offshore developers, you cannot afterward access the code. Hire an offshore workforce willing to share the accounts on Clouds, GitHub, and other platforms to ensure that you are acting as the project owner.

      Tip #5 – Gather Information about the Workflow

      Every offshore unit should assign the appropriate developers to the business projects, and our organization follows this strategy. In a similar spirit, try to ascertain when you hire developers during the project process from your end. Additionally, explore whether the group can add more resources to the project if needed.

      Tip #6 – Check References and Portfolios

      When you’re considering offshore developers, it’s important to check their references and portfolios. This will give you an idea of the quality of their work and how well they communicate with clients. Ask for references from previous clients and review their portfolio to ensure they have experience working on similar projects.

      Tip #7 – Focus on Communication and Project Management

      Effective communication and project management are critical when working with offshore developers. Make sure your developers are fluent in English and have strong communication skills. You should also establish clear project milestones and deadlines, and use project management tools to track progress and ensure everyone is on the same page.

      Tip #8 – Set Expectations Upfront

      It’s important to set expectations upfront with your offshore developers. This includes outlining your project requirements, timeline, and budget, as well as any expectations for communication and project management. This will help ensure everyone is on the same page and working towards the same goals.

      Tip #9 – Build a Strong Relationship with Your Offshore Developers

       Building a strong relationship with your offshore developers can help ensure the success of your project. This means treating them like a valued part of your team and establishing open lines of communication. Take the time to get to know your developers on a personal level, and show appreciation for their hard work and contributions. This can help build trust and ensure that everyone is working towards the same goals. Additionally, maintaining a good relationship with your offshore team can lead to repeat business and referrals, which can be beneficial for your startup in the long run.

      What can You Expect from SumatoSoft Offshore Developers

      A cartoon-like picture of people working together

      When you recruit offshore developers with Sumatosoft, you can get solutions for UI/UX development, quality assurance and control, Front & Back-end Web App Development, and much more. We provide the following services for the clients: 

      Front-end developers: We’ve experts to work on technologies like HTML5, CSS, J Query, ReactJS, DOM, & more.

      Back-end developers: When it comes to server-side, we deploy servers, make redundancy-free code, integrate apps, create APIs, and more under one roof. 

      Quality Testing: We start quality assurance with the development of a QA strategy that contains up to 10 paragraphs. We offer manual and automated QA services and ensure that software comes without critical bugs and blockers that can negatively affect further software development and use. 

      Business Analysis: We use the best Business Analysis practices for software development to bridge a gap between the business needs and the IT teams. Define solution vision, write the requirements document, and make a precise project estimation and release plan. 

      Why Hire Offshore Developers from SumatoSoft

      a cartoon-like picture of people working in the office

      Because the SumatoSoft company handles all challenges of offshore development. 

      How SumatoSoft handles a time zone issue: 

      We find the most convenient overlap in working hours between our teams. Then we adapt the development process and shift the working day, so the collaboration goes smoothly and predictable. 

      How SumatoSoft handles the absence of direct communication: 

      Our core principle is often transparent communication. We communicate weekly, run demos of the work done, provide several contact points, send timesheet reports every month even if you don’t request them, explain potential risks and help to handle them, advise on the decisions, and help to avoid unnecessary costs. We stay in touch with you at each stage of the project. 

      How SumatoSoft stands out among other outsourcing teams: 

      Our solid background, flexibility, professional management, well-established processes, and full transparency in collaboration enabled us to become a trusted technological partner for our clients. 

      • 10 years of expertise in the software development 
      • 10+ industries 
      • 27 countries across the world
      • 70% of senior-level developers

      Stop looking for a perfect outsourcing company since you have found one. Don’t believe it? Get in touch and we provide a free quote on your project and consult on your business idea! 

      The Bottom Line:

      Hiring the OffShore development team is the best way to improve the business in a quick time. According to research, offshore developers are the main reason why many big companies started their projects which have been on hold for years. 

      Hiring an offshore developer can be a boon, especially in a precarious funding situation. Using offshore developers to supplement the workforce could be the only way to stay up with the pace of expansion.

      The offshore development team can help you complete your requirements with a clear job description. When startups hand over the projects, the offshore team assists them in keeping their head cool, and they can focus more on the other promotion activities. 
      Don’t hesitate to hire an offshore team like our SumatoSoft to experience the big business growth. Whenever needed, please contact us & our experts will reach you via a possible communication medium to explain our services. Good Luck with your business!


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